Scouting, an Educational Movement

A Life Long Process

PDF Document

The Constitution of the World Organization of the Scout Movement states clearly that Scouting is “an educational Movement”.

Education in the broadest sense is a life long process which enables the global and continuous development of a person’s capacities both as an individual and a member of society. Contrary to the commonly held view, education goes far beyond formal education (i.e. school) in both scope and duration.

  • A life long process: the development of an individual does not take place exclusively during the “formative years” (childhood and adolescence). It will continue throughout his or her life. As a “process”, it will have ups and downs – periods that will be more active, intensive, significant than others – and it will need to be supported.
  • The continuous development of a person’s capacities: the purpose of education is to contribute to the full development of an autonomous, supportive, responsible and committed individual:

Autonomous: able to make his/her own decisions and to manage his/her life

Supportive: who actively cares about and for others

Responsible: able to assume the consequences of the decisions he/she makes, to keep commitments and to complete what he/she undertakes

Committedwho seeks to live according to his/her values and supports the ideals which he/she finds are important.

  • As an individual: the development of all the abilities of an individual in all areas of growth – physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual.
  • As a member of society: the development of an awareness of and concern for others, the sense of belonging to a community and being part of its history and evolution.

These two dimensions cannot be dissociated since there is no “education” without a search for the full development of a person’s own potentials and there is no “education” without learning to live with others as a member of the local, national and international communities […]



Team System

“Scouting put the boys into fraternity gangs which is their natural organization whether for games, mischief or loafing” (Baden-Powell)

PDF Document

A visual presentation of 36 slides for Scouting practitioners. It shows how the team system, one of the key elements of Scouting, is often misunderstood and even perverted.


Based on quotes from the founder of Scouting, Robert Baden-Powell, but also famous psychologists and pedagogues such as Jean Piaget, Célestin Freinet, and Paulo Freire, it gives its true dimension to the team system, a tool for participation and emancipation, which places Scouting at the source of cooperative pedagogies and liberating éducation […]



Tsofim Yehudim, LeDor VaDor
Jewish Scouts, from generation to generation