Formal Jewish Education = Talmud Torah | Informal Jewish Education = Chinuch
“Chinuch is Learning by Doing.” (Rabbi Jonathan Sacks)
“A week of camp life is worth six months of theoretical teaching in the meeting room.” (Baden-Powell)
The choice of an informal education happening within the local network, on a national and international level, which helps youngsters discover themselves, the world and others (Jews and non-Jews).
Then to share and pass on these discoveries and this knowledge to younger people by participating in the activities.
Committing oneself, assuming responsibilities, organising and inspiring activities, managing budgets, these are some of the experiences of youth which form the basis of adult commitments within the communities.
A Key to Leadership.
1 Jewish scouts develop a strong sense of self.
2 Jewish scouts develop positive values.
3 Jewish scouts gain practical life skills.
4 Jewish scouts seek challenges in the world.
5 Jewish scouts develop critical thinking.
1 Jewish scouts develop healthy relationships.
2 Jewish scouts promote cooperation and team building.
3 Jewish scouts can resolve conflicts.
4 Jewish scouts advance diversity in a multicultural world.
5 Jewish scouts feel connected to their communities, locally and globally.
1 Jewish scouts can identify community needs.
2 Jewish scouts are resourceful problem solvers.
3 Jewish scouts advocates for themselves and others, locally and globally.
4 Jewish scouts educate and inspire others to act.
5 Jewish scouts feel empowered to make a difference in the world.
Tsofim Yehudim, L’Dor VaDor
Jewish Scouts, from generation to generation