Shabbat Limmud

« Torah is not education, it’s transformation » (Rebbitzen Dena Weinberg)
If you study the Torah only to educate yourself and not to grow and transform yourself, you are not really studying the Torah.

Each Rover will assist and then be responsible for organizing a Great Hike and a Limmud Shabbat.

  • Each Rover must prepare, organize and lead a Limmud Shabbat for his/her clan.
  • It can be the Sabbath that closes the Great Hike (Goum trek).
  • He/she will choose two other companions to assist him.
  • The programme of this camped Shabbat will have been previously validated by the clan coordinator.
  • Participate in a Limmud gathering.

Tsofim Yehudim, L’Dor VaDor
Jewish Scouts, from generation to generation

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