Rover’s Farewell

“Stick to your Scout promise always - even after you have ceased to be a boy.” (Baden Powell)

The Rover who wishes to make his Rover’s Farewell makes his request to the coordinator and chooses a godfather among the Elders.

The Rover’s Farewell is the term of Scout education, the educational proposal of Tsofim Yehudim. As there are ceremonies to welcome newcomers to a Scout group, it is necessary to know how to say « Goodbye, and Thank you! » to those who have lived for years with the Tsofim Yehudim, some of whom have taken on leadership and/or training responsibilities.

There is no precise age to make his/her Rover’s Farewell because life takes care of it for us. All too often, life’s ups and downs mean that we leave the Scouts without really realising it at the time, without having had the opportunity to say « Goodbye! » to those with whom we have shared so many adventures and laughter.

You might as well be aware that a page has been turned, that your personal (soon to be family?) and professional life is taking a new direction, and that the time has come to join the Elders’ road. Maybe you don’t have as much time as before to devote to the Scout movement, or you consider that you are too old to be useful for something…

In any case, you will always be part of the great family of the Tsofim Yehudim and the Rover’s Farewell is testimony to this. The Rover’s Farewell will be organized by the clan; it will mark the beginning of this new stage of your life in the presence of your companions and friends.

The Rover’s Farewell is a simple, warm and joyful ceremony bringing together the Rovers and all generations of elders in the area.

“As a Rover, I take the path of the Elders. May the Scout Law and my youthful Promise illuminate my way and my life in the service of others. Tsofim Yehudim LeDor VaDor, Jewish Scouts from génération to generation!”

With these words, the Rover takes the road of the Elders. His godfather then gives him the Elder Lapel Pin, a knoted P’til Techelet, blue thread in hebrew. A reminder of your Scout Promise in your everyday life.


Then he reminds him/her of Edmond Fleg’s life teaching:

“May the youthful creativity of the Eternal pervade your every moment, … Never in your religious practice, nor in relations with your family or friends, nor in the accomplishment of your duties as citizens or (wo)men, nor in your most humble work, nor in your most humble pleasure, may the cold mechanisms of habit extinguish in you the creative spark which was lit by the reflection of the divine.”

It is the starting point of a life of service to others, a commitment made before those of his generation and the Elders who preceded him: a road of solidarity.

After the ceremony, Rovers and Elders gather around a joyful meal.

"It is forbidden to be old." (rebbe Nachman of  Breslov)

Tsofim Yehudim, L’Dor VaDor
Jewish Scouts, from generation to generation