“In Scouting, a boy is encouraged to educate himself instead of being instructed.” (Baden-Powell)
“Being an Inspiring Parent“ by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
Principle 1: Give children the space to inspire us, and they will
- Principle 2: Serve God in joy if you want your children to love Judaism
- Principle 3: Lead the way, with high ethical standards
- Principle 4: No need for high walls
- Principle 5: Make your Judaism sing
- Principle 6: Don’t just sit and learn but go and do
The sixth video discusses the importance of giving our children the space to lead if we want them to grow.This is Scouting!
Principle 7: Be in but not of the world
Principle 8: Think long
Principle 9: Give your kids the key to stability in a world of change
Principle 10: Don’t expect your children to be clones of you
Principle 11: Have faith in your children and you will give them faith in themselves
Principle 12: Be thankful for your children
Principle 13: Give your children the space to give to you
Tsofim Yehudim, L’Dor VaDor
Jewish Scouts, from generation to generation