
Multilingual website under construction.

The mixture of texts in French and English (to help translators) will be deleted as soon as the site is put online in each of these languages:

  • French
  • English
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • German
"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?" 

"Be of the disciples of Aaron, loving peace and pursuing peace, loving your fellow creatures and drawing them near to the Law."
Hillel the Elder, Saying of the FathersPirke Avot, 1:14 - 1:12
“A week of camp life is worth six months of theoretical teaching in the meeting room.” – Baden-Powell
"Empower your children not just to sit and learn, but go and do.
Chinuch is Learning by Doing.” 
– Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

One of the objectives of the International Forum of Jewish Scouts (IFJS) is “to establish scout groups in Jewish communities around the world”.

The proposals presented in this site are part of the pan-European project called “Tsofim Yehudim”, Jewish Scouts in Hebrew, which will enable the creation of scout groups in all Jewish communities in Europe and the rest of the world wishing to offer Scouting to their youth.

Introduction to the TSOFIM YEHUDIM programme

KADIMA — The Jewish Scout Adventure Trails
KADIMA — The Jewish Scout Trail for Madrichim (Scout Leaders)

A A4 single two-sided page printed, then folded in four and stapled.

This project will be implemented in partnership with the International Forum of Jewish Scouts (IFJS) and the National Scout partner Organisations/ Associations (NSOs/NSAs).

Tsofim Yehudim Song: Josh Nelson’s “L’Dor Vador“
Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” – in Yiddish (performed by Daniel Kahn)
European Volontary Service (EVS)

Tsofim Yehudim, L’Dor VaDor
Jewish Scouts, from generation to generation