Scout Advancement Programme

"The two main methods of training are:
1. By education: that is "drawing out" the individual boy and giving him the ambition and keenness to learn for himself.
2. By instruction: that is by impressing and drumming knowledge into boy.
Number two of these is still too often the rule. In the Scout Movement, we use Number 1." (Baden Powell)


KADIMA — The Jewish Scout Adventure Trails in English
KADIMA — The Jewish Scout Adventure Trails in Lithuanian

 — A4 singltwo-sided page printed, then folded in four and stapled —

The Jewish Scout Adventure Trails is an invitation to play, to discover, to surpass oneself: to sleep under a tent, to walk in the forest, to cook on a wood fire, to build a table, to sing and dance during a vigil, to light the Chanukah candles among the elderly people in your community, meet scouts from other countries, prepare and live a Shabbat at the summer camp, develop your artistic talents…

These are just some of the many adventures you’ll live with Scouts.

In three or four years, the Jewish Scout Adventure Trails will accompany you in your discoveries and your learning, with three stages of progression, fourteen proficiency badges and five senior badges (reserved for enthusiasts).

Principle of Minyan: you can prepare and realize an element of your scout advancement alone; but it is better to do it with other scouts interested in this discovery or this knowledge.

The Jewish Scout Adventure is composed with:

  • 3 Badges of Rank
  • 6 Trails (14 Proficiency Badges)
  • 5 Senior Scouts Badges

BADGES OF RANKTY_progressionThe three stages of scout progression are:

  • 12 – 13 Years Old — YELLOW KNOT (a knot is the scout symbol of commitment)
  • 13 – 14 Years Old — GREEN KNOT
  • 14 – 15 Years Old — MAGEN SCOUT — symbolized by a Boat’s Wheel

These discoveries and learnings are common to all scouts.

Thèse badges are sewn in the middle of the left sleeve of the chultsa (shirt, jumper in hebrew) 

YELLOW KNOT (12 – 13 Years Old)


Yellow Knot = to Discover

  • You start by discovering the fundamentals of Scouting. A time of apprenticeship.
  • You learn the rules of life of your Tribe, your Clan, and the « common minimum practices and rituals » of Jewish life.
  • You know and accept the rules of the scout game and the Scout Law.
  • You participate in a first summer camp.

You will receive the Yellow Knot at the end of your first summer camp or the year after.

GREEN KNOT (13 – 14 Years Old)
This badge is sewn in place of the Yellow Knot.

To earn your Green Knot, you choose one or more Proficiency badges that you like or that you want to discover. The Madrich who wears the badge corresponding to the domain that you wish to discover will accompany you in these discoveries and learnings.


Green Knot = To Discover and to Share

  • You regularly participate in the activities of your Clan where you have a responsibility.
  • You commit yourself to live the Scout Law by making your Promise.
  • You specialize in one or more fields by proposing activities and projects.
  • You share your experience and your knowledge with newcomers to the Clan.

You will receive your Green Knot at the end of your second summer camp or the year after.

MAGEN SCOUT (14 – 15 Years Old)
This badge is sewn in place of the Green Knot.


Boat’s Wheel = To Discover, to Share and to Transmit

The Magen Scout badge represents a boat bar (boat’s wheel). The boat bar symbolizes your ability to chart your route, to pilot your life, with the experience gained during these three years.

This boat bar is decorated with a fleur-de-lis indicating the direction to follow (as on the old nautical charts) and a Magen David in its center symbolizing your commitment to deepen your knowledge and your practice of Judaism.

The Magen Scout Badge will be awarded after your third year and a successful camp, where you will have continued your discoveries and your learning in all areas, where you will have also shown your ability to help the youngest and be at the service of your community, in agreement with your Scout Promise commitment.

And you do not hesitate to inform yourself and ask if you are wondering about the right path to follow. This Magen Scout badge validates developing both the soft and hard skills needed to become a Scout curious of the world, at the service of others.

  • Senior Scouts, you participate in the activities of the Venture Patrol of your Shevet (Tribe in Hebrew).
  • Time of personal training, projects and specializations during the year and the third summer camp. May be a Senior Badge interests you?
  • You actively participate in the life of your Clan and Shevet.
  • You prepare your successor to fulfill his role in the Clan.
  • You think about what you want to do during your two years as a Senior Scout.


These badges are sewn in the middle of the right sleeve of the chultsa.

The Jewish Scout Adventure is composed with six trails:

The Jewish Trail (3 badges)
Le chemin de l’identité juive. Une belle histoire de famille, des traditions et des prières à découvrir, un pays et une langue.

The Outdoor Trail (6 badges)

L’art de bien vivre dans les bois en été comme en hiver – seul et en clan – en respectant un environnement très fragile.


The Arts and Crafts Trail (1 badge)

L’expression artistique sous toutes ses formes, avec l’aide d’animateurs, d’artisans et d’artistes passionnés.
The Klezmer Trail (1 badge)

L’expression musicale sous toutes ses formes (chants, danses, jouer d’un instrument), avec l’aide d’animateurs, de chanteurs, de danseurs, et de musiciens passionnés.

The World Discovery Trail (2 badges)
Notre monde n’est pas facile à comprendre. Essayons tout d’abord de bien comprendre ce qui s’est passé au 20e siècle pour poser les enjeux du monde d’aujourd’hui et les défis du monde de demain, celui qui sera le vôtre.

world_discovery_trailThe Sports Trail (1 badge)
S’entraîner pour développer toutes ses capacités physiques, mais pas seulement : réussir une épreuve – seul ou en clan – est aussi affaire de stratégie.

“Our standard for Badge earning is not the attainment of a certain level of quality of knowledge or skill, but the AMOUNT OF EFFORT THE BOY HAS PUT INTO ACQUIRE SUCH KNOWLEDGE OR SKILL This brings the most hopeless case on to a footing of equal possibility with his more brilliant or better-off brother.” (Baden-Powell)

To advance on your own trail, trust the leaders who wear the badge corresponding to the domain that you wish to discover.


limmud dodo
PIONEERING  hiking picasso zikdanse world_discovery
first_aid maccabi MINICHEF
work in progress
work in progress
work in progress

By wearing such badge on your scout uniform, you commit yourself to all scouts of your tribe to organize and carry out each trimester a personal project (or with your clan) on this domain.

« Tu ne peux pas tout faire ? Fais au moins un peu.»
(rabbi Na'hman de Bratslav)



The five Senior Badges are activity proposals that allow Senior Scouts to further their discoveries and learnings in five areas of excellence, with the help of passionate adults:

  • Coureur des Bois – Scout Trapper
  • LeDor VaDor (Limmud, from Generation to Generation)
  • Master Chef (Krupnik and Dafina)
  • Betzalel (Arts & Crafts)
  • Klezmer (Music), Shirim (Songs) and Rikudim (Danses)


Tsofim Yehudim, LeDor VaDor
Jewish Scouts, from generation to generation