Madrichim Commitment

« Aujourd’hui, le chef doit être celui qui est aussi tourné vers l’intérieur, celui qui saura cultiver sa vie intérieure profondément, qui saura se spécialiser, qui pourra acquérir une connaissance réelle et, chez les EI, une connaissance juive, qu’il dispose de quelque chose de profond en lui. Il est impensable du point de vue juif que le chef soit un parfait chef scout tout en étant, dans les autres domaines, un dilettante ou un amateur. il faut qu’il soit mûr, et alors son rayonnement aura une efficacité.» (André Neher)

TY_badge_madrichMadrichim Commitment Lapel Pin
“Jewish Scouts“ is written in the Scout national language,
in Yiddish (a reminder of the Jewish Scouts in almost all Jewish communities in Europe before the Shoah) and in Hebrew (the language of Israel).


Leader in Hebrew: Madrich, Madrichim – Madricha, Madrichot 

This induction ceremony can also be organized at the end of a summer camp or a training course.

A Commitment to Training to Better Serve

After their successful participation in a first summer camp, the young leaders will publicly commit themselves to TRAIN to better LIVE, LIVE and CONVEY to their scouts the values of the Scout Law and their Jewish identity heritage.

  • In front of his Shevet, the young Madrich makes the scout salute and pronounces his Commitment:

“With your help, I commit to train myself to better live, to help others live better, and to convey to others The Tsofim Yehudim Law”

  • Once his Madrich Commitment is pronounced, he reads this quote from Chief Fleg, the rule of life of the Madrichim and Rovers:
“May the youthful creativity of the Eternal pervade your every moment, … Never in your religious practice, nor in relations with your family or friends, nor in the accomplishment of your duties as citizens or (wo)men, nor in your most humble work, nor in your most humble pleasure, may the cold mechanisms of habit extinguish in you the creative spark which was lit by the reflection of the divine.”

Then the Shevet Leader pins the Madrich Commitment badge on the flap of the left pocket of his/her chultsa.

This is the Tsofim Yehudim emblem within a blue circle (the blue color is the symbolic color of Israel, P’til Techelet).

“The spirit is there in every boy; 
it has to be discovered and brought to light.”

Tsofim Yehudim, L’Dor VaDor
Jewish Scouts, from generation to generation